Sunday, March 25, 2007

The "big three" represent the "big three"

Talk radio has its big three; and they are all conservatives. Rush Limbaugh is numero uno. His show is the most listened to in America. Sean Hannity's show is the second most listened to. He hosts FOX NEWS channel's Hannity and Colmes. Coming in at third place is another conservative: Glenn Beck. Beck, like Hannity, hosts his own show on CNN Headline News.

These are the "big three" in talk radio. These three may also be the most influential voices in the conservative movement.

I believe that the faith of these three talk show hosts may represent the three largest religious categories of the Republican party.

1. Evangelical/Protestant - Rush Limbaugh
2. Catholic - Sean Hannity
3. LDS (Mormon) - Glenn Beck

Are there any Republicans that do not fit into these categories? Sure! But these are the big three when it comes to influence and voting power.

If you take a look at these three you will find that America has had Presidents from only two of the three categories. Mitt Romney will change that...and probably get the endorsement of all of the big three talk show hosts. Remember, you heard it here first!

"I frequently say that evangelicals are already wedded to LDS folks politically. After all, if it weren't for consistent LDS voting records, we'd have President Gore now."

-Nancy French; Evangelicals for Mitt

1 comment:

Mitt Rockers said...

Thanks for your comment. I agree with you that Mitt is the right person to fix America's problems, but I'm becoming less and less impressed with Newt. How 'bout Jim DeMint as a running mate?