Sunday, March 25, 2007

The "big three" represent the "big three"

Talk radio has its big three; and they are all conservatives. Rush Limbaugh is numero uno. His show is the most listened to in America. Sean Hannity's show is the second most listened to. He hosts FOX NEWS channel's Hannity and Colmes. Coming in at third place is another conservative: Glenn Beck. Beck, like Hannity, hosts his own show on CNN Headline News.

These are the "big three" in talk radio. These three may also be the most influential voices in the conservative movement.

I believe that the faith of these three talk show hosts may represent the three largest religious categories of the Republican party.

1. Evangelical/Protestant - Rush Limbaugh
2. Catholic - Sean Hannity
3. LDS (Mormon) - Glenn Beck

Are there any Republicans that do not fit into these categories? Sure! But these are the big three when it comes to influence and voting power.

If you take a look at these three you will find that America has had Presidents from only two of the three categories. Mitt Romney will change that...and probably get the endorsement of all of the big three talk show hosts. Remember, you heard it here first!

"I frequently say that evangelicals are already wedded to LDS folks politically. After all, if it weren't for consistent LDS voting records, we'd have President Gore now."

-Nancy French; Evangelicals for Mitt

Friday, March 16, 2007

Take the Mormon Challenge

Have you met a Mormon lately?

Mitt Romney's religious criticism germinates from a lack of Mormon understanding. Is the Mormon religion a bit weird? Peculiar? Yes. Does this mean Mitt should not be elected President? No.

Talk show host Hugh Hewitt recently published the book, "A Mormon in the White House? Ten Things Every American Should Know About Mitt Romney." A recent Deseret News article reports a phone conversation with Hewitt (a non-Mormon):

"I am disappointed in how much noise we hear on this" question of whether a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can be president, Hewitt told the Deseret Morning News in a telephone interview. As a law professor at California's Chapman University, he said he literally believes the Constitution prohibits any religious test for office holders. Hewitt says he wanted to write the book because he had previously interviewed the late LDS apostle Neal A. Maxwell for a PBS series on religion in America. "I got to know the Mormon faith and history. I found it astonishing how much discrimination had happened, and how much had been tolerated," he said.

The article adds:

"Romney's religion is only one of 10 things that Hewitt writes that people should know about him. Hewitt said much more important to him personally is how highly intelligent Romney seems, and his problem-solving approaches learned in business."

For anyone who doubts Mitt for his religion--take the Mormon Challenge before you vote. Which simply is to actually have a conversation wtih one of your neighbors, colleagues, friends whom you know is Mormon and see if they are as weird as you might think. You may be surprised by how human they really are.

-David M. McEntire

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Now that's leadership!

Check out this link to a great video showing some suh-weeet leadership from the Dems:


All the others will divide conservatives...

I would like to bring attention to a well-argued article written by a fellow blogger:

Who can beat Billary?

"Mitt Romney is the ONLY candidate who can unite the conservative movement. There are NO credible threats that could break up the conservative movement or the Republican party if he is nominated."

As for McCain and Giuliani? You'll have to read the article!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Romney on Hannity and Colmes

Here is the transcript from the interview:

HANNITY: All right. Let me ask you a little bit, the defining issue of our time: the War on Terror, the battle in Iraq. You see the Democrats' strategy, they want to cut-run, they want to pull out of there without any consideration of victory. Your thoughts generally on Iraq, the War on Terror: Are we on the right direction? Do you see mistakes that were made? And your thoughts on the Democrats?

ROMNEY: Well, I supported the war as we went into it based on the intelligence and the direction that came from the president and from Congress, for that matter. We knocked down Saddam Hussein exceptionally well, but then we didn't do a great job after he was knocked down. We were under-planned and under-prepared, under-staffed, under- managed and we find ourselves in the position we're in, in part, because of our own mistakes. But that being said, you don't just pick up and walk away, because walking away or dividing the country and then walking away presents some extraordinary risks for America and our fighting men and women. And those risks are that we launch or begin some kind of regional conflict with Iran grabbing part of the Shia south, or Al Qaeda playing a dominating role among the Sunni portion of the country, or perhaps even the Kurdish population and Turkey being destabilized. And if there were a regional conflict, the consequences for America and for our troops could end up being far more severe than what we face now.

HANNITY: You won a very significant straw poll after a weekend of speeches at CPAC, Governor. It seems to be the battle for that Reagan mantle. Right at the open opening of your speech — I read the whole speech — you quoted Ronald Reagan, who had previously spoken at CPAC. I guess the issue for conservatives keeps coming up, both for you and Rudy Giuliani and Senator McCain on some issues, of whether or not they're as conservative as Reagan was. The issue that comes up the most for you, Governor, is the issue of abortion. And when you were running for the Senate in Massachusetts, this was your position:


ROMNEY: I have no problem — I'm not embarrassed at all by telling you that I've changed my position. And so did Ronald Reagan. So did George Herbert Walker Bush. So did many other people before me. And, by the way, we need a lot of other people to change their mind, as well.
Now, I changed it about two-and-a-half years ago, and so people don't have to rely on my word for it, they can look at my record as governor. I came to believe that the government should not play the kind of role it had been playing, which is insisting on a one-size-fits-all pro-abortion policy for the entire nation. I'm pro-life and am proud that I made that decision.

HANNITY: Rudy Giuliani has said in answer to that, because he has a different position: He's pro-choice. And he has said he would appoint originalist justices like Scalia and Thomas and Alito. On that issue of judges, is that the type of justice you'd be looking for?

ROMNEY: Well, of course, we're all going to talk about appointing judges that will follow the law and not legislate from the bench. But being pro-life is, of course, broader than just the kind of judges you appoint. There's legislation, which month to month and year to year comes forward, that can either protect the sanctity of time of can take it away. As governor, I had several measures that came to my desk, which affected life. And they were not court decisions; they were legislative decisions which I faced as governor. And if you're pro-life, then you're going to come down on the side of life. And if you're pro-choice, you'll take the other direction.
And it's something where my record is clear. When my legislature tried redefine when life began, I said no. When they said they were going to clone human embryos for research purposes, I said no. When they said that they were going to block the education of our kids on abstinence in school, I said no. So we're going to be able to define ourselves based upon our positions on issues, and people can decide where they line up.

HANNITY: Governor, if you were to win the nomination, your likely opponents — it's either going to be one or the other, based on where we are today — it's either going to be Senator Hillary Clinton or it's going to be Barack Obama. What are your thoughts on Senator Clinton? What are your thoughts on Barack Obama?

ROMNEY: Well, I'd add one more. I think John Edwards is a viable candidate, as well.
You know, I think in the case of each one of those three people, they're fine individuals. But, as Ronald Reagan used to say, it's not that liberals are ignorant; it's just that what they know is wrong. And, frankly, they don't have the right direction for this country in mind. Their vision about the future of America and how to get there just isn't right. America has shown, over the last 30 years, that the principles of economic, social, and foreign policy conservatism work. The course that Europe took, which is the course that Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or John Edwards would take us down, is a course which has led to no economic growth of any ignificance, no job creation. It's a course of a no-end and no-return kind of posture. And that's the kind of course that Hillary would represent.

HANNITY: You know, Governor, I've had many, many friends that are members of LDS, Latter-Day Saints, Mormons, and I know you probably are frustrated, because I know every interview I've seen you in, this issue keeps coming up. It does not come up for any other candidate. And it's really troublesome to me, because it seems like they are creating for you a religious litmus test. And I will tell you, fundamentally, I view this as unfair. Your thoughts?

ROMNEY: Well, I'm not going to call anything unfair in the world of politics. You get used to the — the heat that's in the kitchen. But, frankly, the people I talk to, not necessarily the reporters, but the people I talk to in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina tell me time and again they want a person of faith to lead the country, but they don't particularly care what brand of faith it is so long as the person has American values. And if you look at my marriage and you look at our family and our kids and the values that we've tried to instill in each one of our kids, you'll see that the values that I have are as American as any in this great country.

Monday, March 12, 2007

What kind of person is Mitt?

Clayton Christensen, a Harvard Business School professor and author of The Innovator's Dilemma, writes about an experience he had with Mitt Romney...

...a short time later our family had out-grown our small home, so we found a larger one and put the word out that we would appreciate any help in loading and unloading our rented moving truck. Among those who showed up that morning was Mitt Romney, now the governor of Massachusetts, who had just completed his unsuccessful campaign for the U.S. Senate in Massachusetts. Mitt had a broken collarbone, but for two hours traipsed between our home and the truck, carrying out whatever he could manage with his one good arm.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Am I alone here?

Does anyone else hope for global warming? Dave Alvord's latest post reveals that over the past century the earth has only risen in temperature by 0.8 of a degree.

Please keep one word in mind while reading the post: satire.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

More bad news for Rudy...

Giuliani is well known for his handling of 9/11, right? He did a great job right? Well...

First it was Wikipedia, and now the firefighters are out for Rudy.

Firefighters Union Blasts Giuliani on Post-Sept. 11 Cleanup

FOX News has obtained a scathing letter prepared by the influential and politically active International Association of Fire Fighters union, written late last month but never released. The letter informs the more than 270,000 members that it would not be inviting Giuliani to a forum for presidential candidates on March 14, citing what the union called Giuliani's "egregious acts"

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Great Romney Interview

Check out this substantive interview with Mitt while he was in Tennessee...

I just have to say that Mitt really knows his stuff. His fluency with every topic thrown his way is amazing. I can't wait until the debates start - he'll absolutely dominate his opponents. I would be really nervous if I were Obama/Hillary and I'd try to get my friends in the mainstream media to do lots of hit pieces on him. Obviously, that's what's happening, but it won't work. Mitt is just too good. Mark my words, he'll be our next president.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

An American moment

By David Alvord

Two weeks ago, I was skiing in Park City, Utah. I met a man who wore an official 2002 Olympic ski uniform...and after a little conversation he told me that he served on the Salt Lake Olympic organizing committee. "Did you ever meet Mitt Romney?" I asked. The man said that he had interacted with Romney several times and that what impressed him most was how Mitt never acted like he was "above anybody". He then told me a story about a time during the Olympics that there was a need to direct some traffic. Instead of making calls and waiting for help, Mitt stepped up and did it himself. "He didn't let his position get to his head".

This little anecdote just adds to my admiration of Mitt Romney and also caused me to reflect on the 2002 Olympics. One of the most memorable moments of the Olympics was the presentation of the American Flag that flew at ground zero during the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. This sublime ceremony was conducted by President Bush, Mitt Romney, and Jacques Rogge.

As officer Daniel Rodriguez (NYPD) sang a beautiful rendition of God Bless America, I felt chills go down my spine. This was a moment that I would never forget...for it was an American moment.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Better than the CPAC...Mitt wins another!

Some Highlights of the story that appeared in the LA times:

Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton and Republican Mitt Romney have emerged as the leading presidential favorites among party insiders, according to a new Los Angeles Times Poll, which found deep partisan divisions over the country's direction and top issues in the 2008 campaign.

The Times Poll, directed by Susan Pinkus, interviewed 313 of 386 DNC members and 133 of 165 RNC members from Feb. 13-26. Since the poll attempted to interview current state members of each organization rather than a random sample, there is no margin of error.

Among Republicans, Romney had the most backing among party insiders, with 20% support, followed by Giuliani with 14%, McCain with 10% and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia — who has said he might enter the race in the fall — with 8%.

On the Republican side, views of the candidates were mixed. Giuliani and Romney were each viewed favorably by 83% of party leaders, and Gingrich by 78%.
McCain was viewed favorably by 56% of GOP insiders and unfavorably by 38%.

Are these two our '08 nominees? I can't speak for Hillary...but for Mitt it's looking good.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Mitt Wins CPAC Straw Poll!

(By LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writer)

WASHINGTON - Mitt Romney won the most support for the Republican presidential nomination in a straw poll of GOP activists attending an annual conference.

Despite his record of inconsistency on some social issues, the former Massachusetts governor got 21 percent of the 1,705 votes cast by paid registrants to the three-day Conservative Political Action Conference. They were asked who their first choice would be for the Republican nomination.

Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor whose moderate stances on social issues irks the party's right wing, was second with 17 percent.

Both were among the more than half-dozen White House hopefuls who spoke at the conference.
Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record), R-Ariz., who rounds out the top tier of serious GOP contenders, skipped the event — and was punished for it. He got only 12 percent of the vote.

Ahead of him were Romney, Giuliani and two others. Sen. Sam Brownback (news, bio, voting record) of Kansas, a favorite of religious conservatives, got 15 percent, while former House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia, who says he won't decide whether to run until the fall, got 14 percent.

Others got 5 percent or less.

A year ago, then-Virginia Sen. George Allen received 22 percent of the vote. His presidential chances evaporated last year as he struggled to win — and eventually lost — his Senate re-election race. In that CPAC poll last year, McCain had 20 percent, Giuliani had 12 percent, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had 10 percent, and Gingrich had 5 percent.


Friday, March 2, 2007

Fiscal Discipline

I support Mitt for a lot of reasons, but I'm growing more and more excited about his fiscal discipline and solid understanding of economics. Romney will enable both key aspects of economic success in America:

1. He will reign in spending. He has proven an amazingly frugal executive, governor, and citizen (he and his wife pop their own popcorn and bring it to the movies to avoid the ridiculously expensive theater popcorn - do you know anybody else worth a half a billion dollars that would do that?) Check out his record in business, in the Olympics, and as governor. He will trim the fat in Washington like no other!

2. He will promote growth. The GDP of China has been growing at 10% for years and the US GDP has been growing at around 3% for years. It doesn't take a mathematician to figure out that China will pass us as the world's economic superpower if things don't change. We need Mitt so we can cut taxes (thus promoting growth), reduce regulatory burdens (which stifle innovation and business formation), and reduce litigation (US companies spend more on legal expenses than they do on Research and Development - the lifeblood of innovation).

From Mitt's website:

Governor Romney's Initiatives To Restrain Government Spending:

Today, In New Hampshire, Governor Mitt Romney Outlined Several Initiatives Which Will Guide His Efforts To Restrain Government Spending In Washington. Governor Romney believes that the American people are over-taxed and government is over-fed. With a record of strong fiscal discipline, Governor Romney will take action to stop overspending.

- Governor Romney Will Lead An Effort To Review And Reevaluate All Federal Spending Programs. His administration will undertake an exhaustive review of each individual federal program with the goal to eliminate and consolidate programs that are no longer useful or are bureaucratic and unwieldy. Federal spending programs do not have a right to immortality, and should not enjoy automatic increases year after year.

- Governor Romney Will Veto Appropriations Bills That Exceed Spending Targets. He will veto annual appropriations (with the exception of defense) that grow spending at a rate greater than inflation minus one percent (CPI-1%). This should be considered the minimum amount of spending reductions. If, for example, inflation is running at 3%, then the growth of discretionary spending should grow no more than 2%, or Governor Romney will veto the appropriations. Additional one-time spending for natural disasters and other catastrophic situations will be considered an exception.

- Governor Romney Believes The President Needs The Line-Item Veto Power. As Governor, he had line-item authority, and often used it to trim or eliminate individual appropriations. Giving the President this power would allow us to make tremendous strides in eliminating earmarks and cutting inefficient programs.

FAST FACTS: Governor Romney's Record Of Fiscal Discipline:

Governor Romney Has A Strong Record Of Fiscal Discipline. Without raising taxes or increasing debt, Governor Romney closed a $3 billion budget deficit his first year in office with a heavily Democrat legislature. Each year, Governor Romney filed a balanced budget without raising taxes. By eliminating waste, streamlining government, and enacting comprehensive economic reforms to help spur growth, Governor Romney helped the state achieve a surplus totaling nearly $1 billion in 2005.

- In The Four Budgets He Signed Into Law, Governor Romney Used The Line-Item Veto Or Program Reduction Power In An Attempt To Cut Spending By Nearly $1 Billion. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Signs No New Tax Budget In Time For New Fiscal Year," Press Release, 6/30/2003; Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Governor Mitt Romney Signs $22.402B Fiscal Year 2005 'No New Tax' Budget," Press Release, 6/25/2004; Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Governor Mitt Romney Signs Into Law $23.8 Billion Budget For Fiscal Year '06," Press Release, 6/30/2005; Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Governor Mitt Romney Signs $25.2 Billion Fiscal Year 2007 State Budget," Press Release, 7/8/2006)

- By 2006, Spending In The Governor's Office Had Dropped From $5.6 Million In 2002 To $4.6 Million. "Spending in the Governor's Office has dropped from $5.6 million in FY02 to $4.6 million in FY06. Spending is anticipated to drop again in the current fiscal year." (Office Of The Governor, "Romney Transfers Funds From Governor's Office To Pay Military Benefit," Press Release, 11/3/06)