By the Mitt Rockers
Glenn Beck asks Romney to explain the financial crisis and the government bailout proposal. Read the entire transcript to see why Mitt Romney would have been the ideal President for us in these financially difficult times. We support Barack Obama wholeheartedly as our new President. But anyone who thinks Obama could speak as fluently about the economy as Romney is smoking something way too strong:
GLENN BECK: Explain a little bit of what happened last Wednesday [the bank closures and government seizures] in layman's terms. I don't know if America really has a handle on, we were talking about shutting the country off because of nobody was making loans to each other. Nobody trusts each other anymore.
GOVERNOR ROMNEY: Well, the challenge all started with exuberance on the part of Republicans and Democrats to give mortgages to people who really didn't have the capacity to pay back the money. Everybody hoped they would but, you know, it was just irrational exuberance as Greenspan used to call it and so all these mortgages were handed out and then the banks, investment banks and other institutions held onto these mortgages expecting to get paid back and when the inevitable happened, when it was clear that people couldn't pay it back and started defaulting, we recognized that these banks and investment banks didn't have as much money as they thought they had and therefore they had to stop lending to new people because they didn't have money to lend. And when you start seeing people having to stop lending, well, then you mean folks can't buy cars, the kids can't get loans for school, that people can't buy homes and you could slam the whole economy shut. And it was that that the Federal Reserve feared and that's why they are proposing such dramatic action....
To read the rest of this outstanding transcript click here.
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Mitt Romney would have been the PERFECT person to handle this economic disaster. He's a financial wizard with a proven track record of getting organizations back on track financially.
We can thank Huckabee for stirring up the evangelical base and then, after losing the GOP nomination stirring up the evangelical base to pressure McCain not to pick Romney for VP.
We can thank the advisers to McCain for urging him not to pick Romney and instead pick a Hockey mom from Alaska.
We can thank the GOP for stabbing Romney in the back during the Primaries, once it was shown Romney was a threat they pushed McCain in a back room deal.
You (American Voter) fell for them all, every trick in the book.
I know someone that works in a bank which deals with very high CDs and a lot of the clients (older clients and rich older clients) comment on how America lost their chance with Romney (all non-Mormon I might add).
And you said he was unqualified on the fact he was a Mormon!
Well, go cry to your Hockey Momma and enjoy Obama because during the next debate (assuming it will ever happen) he will point the finger at the Republicans. Average Joe will side with Obama as he will flatter the people with his reform talk and we can say hello to Barry for the next 4 years.
By that time we will be begging and I do mean begging Romney to be the nominee for the GOP in 2012.
Until then, you get what you deserve and that's payback for keeping a good man out of office due to your stupidity America.
Romney in 2012.
Yes, Romney would have been the ideal candidate at this point in our history. I think a lot of people saw that during the primaries but too many didn't.
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