By the Mitt Rockers
This is a high risk, high reward VP pick. It could be a brilliant move by McCain, or it could doom his candidacy since Palin is not vetted on the national stage. We would have strongly preferred Mitt Romney. But Governor Palin is a capable woman. We hope her graceful presence on the ticket is enough to push McCain over the top.
Romney is an extremely capable man and will certainly land on his feet. We think we can expect to see Mitt run for president again in 2012 or 2016.
Onward and upward!
Yeah, too bad it's not Mitt. But we haven't seen the last of Mitt. I expect he will someday be our president. For now, however, let's through our support behind Senator McCain and Governor Palin!
This pick might vault McCain to the White House, but it could also cost him the election. She's not vetted, and if something super negative comes out McCain is sunk.
I'm with you on this. I have no problem with Palin, it's McCain I can't handle. Mitt Romney seemed absolutely the right guy for the job. But then what do us mere mortals know....if Palin is what she holds herself out to be I may get off my sofa and vote.
Worst. Pick. Ever.
No candidate is perfect. Just like people because they are people. They put their pants on one leg at a time just like you and me. I saw something last night in McCain's speech that I had not seen in a while. HOPE. America has problems, yes. But just like we have done countless times before we need to recognize who the real enemy is and move ahead together. The Dems survive only by stirring us up and being divisive. McCain didn't seem to mind who he offended, nor did he care with the comments about the Repubs losing their way. I believe him when he says he'll do what it takes. I also believe he sees things in the proper perspective and has the wisdom of age to recognize it. As for Obama, well it's words.....just words and nothing of substance to back them up.
And I quote Obama: "Lipstick on a pig is still a pig." You'd think his head would be flat from Michelle's frying pan with all the sexist stuff this guy coughs up.
Can we vote to use our tax dollars to pay Mitt Romney to head up a group that streamlines our government and fixes the economy? No politician out there currently has the skill set for what this country needs.
The more the economy continues to tank the more I wish we had Mitt Romney in the White House. He was the right man at this moment in our history. Too bad American voters are so ignorant they couldn't recognize that fact. Too many of us looked past Mitt's outstanding finance credentials because "he was too serious" or "he changed his mind on a few issues." This was a very short-sighted view and I think it will come back to haunt us. Let us not make the same mistake if Mitt runs for President again!
Looks like the Palin bubble burst rather quickly. Charming woman, but clearly not presidential material. Mitt would have been a better VP pick. However it's a blessing in disguise as McCain was not going to win anyway. Better for Mitt's career that he won't be associated with a loser. Mitt is the automatic GOP front runner for 2012.
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