Saturday, February 9, 2008

Romney's Leadership Role in the GOP is Only Beginning

"The conservative heir apparent". That's what Matt Lewis called Mitt Romney just two days after Romney halted his presidential bid.

Lewis makes a good argument that Mitt Romney's star is only beginning to shine. A virtual unknown only a year ago, Romney has now become a household name. This newfound popularity and the dedication Romney has shown to the GOP, including his gracious departure from the race, helps solidify his position as "the next in line." Similar to Ronald Reagan, who lost in 1976 only to win four years later, Mitt Romney is the GOP's de facto frontrunner heading into 2012 and even 2016.

Over the next few years expect to see Romney rise to influential leadership positions within the conservative movement. You will continue to hear his name until he becomes President Romney.

America, witness the birth of something extraordinary: ROMNEY REPUBLICANS. This new breed is only beginning to breathe, but it will become a powerful force in the not-so-distant future. Count on it!

To read the full text of Lewis' excellent article click here.


Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, and yes! I agree that Romney will become a fixture in the conservative movement. I fully expect he will one day be our president.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to a Romney presidency. I will be an enthusiastic volunteer to help in that endeavor. I just hope there is something left to govern.

Anonymous said...

I was very disappointed that Romney didn't do better in the primaries. After I thought about it for awhile, I think he did extraordinarily well, given the circumstances. I recall a poll I saw around six months ago that indicated that 35 to 40 percent of republicans surveyed had indicated that they would have serious reservations about voting for a Mormon for president. If those figures are accurate, Mitt has done a lot to diffuse the religious bigotry of the religious right. As I look at the political climate right now, I really don't think Romney could have won nationally even if he'd taken the nomination this time around. I think he did a marvelous job of "breaking the ice" and I agree that he's going to be well poised to win in 2012!

Anonymous said...

I can't get past the pain of it all. No options for conservatives this election cycle. Ouch. Doesn't anyone love this country anymore?

Anonymous said...

This is a great article by Matt Lewis, but I am a little bit bothered still. Matt Lewis is not a friend of Mitt Romney. He had very little possitive to say about him. When I look at the debates he bloged I have to wonder if Mitt Romney was realy there the whole time, because Matt basically ignored him.

Matt's possitive words now offer little comfort after his behavior while Mitt was still running.

Anonymous said...

The last poster has a point. Where was all the conservative big-name angst about Mitt being out of it BEFORE it was too late to do any good? Matt Lewis, Mark Levin, rush, Ann Coulter, Dr. Dobson, Laura Ingram, Sean Hannity, etc., all came out either expressely or indirectly for Mitt...once the game was all but lost. Where were they prior to Florida, when Mitt had a legitimate shot?

Anonymous said...

As to the original post, I agree 100%. If Mitt rolls up his sleeves and proves himself to be a reliable Republican speaker, fundraiser, campaigner during the next three years, I am sure he will get his chance in 2012, as Goldwater did in 1964 and Nixon did in 1968. His time is coming, I have no doubt.

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