Sunday, February 3, 2008

McCain Confesses: "It's Not Social Issues I Care About"

I was only mildy shocked today when I read a Washington Post interview with John MCain. In the interview the wily old senator dropped a bombshell: "It's not social issues I care about" he said. Say what? And you're running to represent the Republican party and the millions of social conservatives who belong to it?

Here's the quote in context:

"McCain seems distinctly uninterested when asked questions concerning abortion and gay rights. While campaigning in South Carolina, he told reporters riding with him on his bus that he was comfortable pledging to appoint judges who would strictly interpret the Constitution in part because it would reassure conservatives who might otherwise distrust him.

'It's not social issues I care about,' he explained."

Do social conservatives need any more reasons to be highly suspicious of this guy? I mean, here we are, just hours before Super Tuesday, and he admits to the national media that he doesn't care about issues of high moral importance to a huge portion of the GOP base, such as the sanctity of life.

What's more, he hints that he would appoint constructionist judges only so he could win the trust of the base, not because he personally believes in constructionist judges. He acts like he'd only do it to throw us a bone.

Add to this apostasy the fact that McCain has admitted he knows practically nothing about the economy, and we've got somebody who has no claim to be being a "true conservative" as he boasts in his TV commercials. Since when does being a war hawk alone qualify someone as a conservative? The truth is, a strong military is the ONLY thing McCain has in common with the GOP base--hardly enough to represent us as our President. To be a "true conservative" Mr. McCain, the social issues must be important to you, along with economic conservatism.

How could conservatives possibly reward this one dimensional candidate with the opportunity to represent the voices of full spectrum conservatives?


For those in America who care about the defense of conservative moral values, we must vote for Mit Romney or we will suffer the consequences.

For the full text of the Washington Post article click here.


Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? He did not say that, really? Oh wow. This guy absolutely CANNOT be trusted. And if he does somehow get the nomination we all need to write-in Mitt Romney.

Anonymous said...

OK now the media is calling Romney's rise in the polls the anyone-but-McCain factor as if Romney doesn't have any merit on his own. Also, several polls are showing McCain leading Romney by as much as 16 points by those who consider the economy to be the most important (in certain states). WHAT THE HECK ARE THESE PEOPLE THINKING? THEY ARE SO STUPID THEY SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO VOTE. WE ALL KNOW MCCAIN IS A ONE ISSUE WONDER, SINCE WHEN DOES CONFESSING YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE ECONOMY HELP YOU. I SAY IT IS FALSE REPORTING AND THE FIGURES ARE TAMPERED WITH BY THE MSM. IF EVERY THERE WAS A NO-BRAINER!!!!!!

Now Obama is saying for all Romney's business savvy he sure isn't getting a return on his investment. He's won 4 states without any help from the MSM. The others he's lost due to the one factor they don't ask about in the entrance or exit polls........THE BIGOTRY VOTE!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey watch this-its good.

Anonymous said...


Noelle said...

So many people have complained about Mitt's change regarding abortion and called it "political expediency." It looks like McCain is the king of political expediency.

Anonymous said...

Romney had to spend alot of money because he didn't have name recognition.
As far as the abortion issue, I think Mitt needs to turn that into a positive reflection of his character. After all, a good leader is someone who is willing to recognize past errors in judgment and take a different course. It's a virtue called HUMILITY, something McCain is sadly lacking in. Has anyone ever heard McCain acknowlege he was wrong on immigration or campaign finance reform? When McCain is contronted on his flip flopping, all I hear is excuses and dodging... Apparently he thinks humility is a weakness.

逆円助 said...


精神年齢 said...


メル友募集 said...

最近仕事ばかりで毎日退屈してます。そろそろ恋人欲しいです☆もう夏だし海とか行きたいな♪ 連絡待ってるよ☆

家出 said...


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家出 said...


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夏フェス!! said...

夏フェス一緒に行ってくれる人募集!!夏の思い出一緒につくろぉ☆ 連絡してね♪

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