by David Alvord
If you are reading this, you probably have that nervous knot in your stomach. The prospects of a McCain, Obama, or Clinton presidency leaves conservatives feeling very uneasy.
Now, this thing is not over...there are still nearly one thousand votes up for grabs. Things could still change, and we may still see Romney win this thing. But, the odds are against him and that's why we all have that knot in our stomachs.
If Romney does not win, there is one possible solution to the problem: a McCain-Romney ticket.
But in order for this to happen, it would require a few things:
1. Both John and Mitt (and their supporters) would have to swallow their pride. They have been fierce rivals...and it would take some humility from each of them. They both would have to admit where they are weak. Romney would have to defer to McCain on military decisions, McCain would defer to Romney on economic matters.
2. Romney would have to be persuaded that McCain will not run and govern as a liberal/moderate. McCain would have to reassure the base by running a conservative campaign and by not using the rhetoric of the left. It would be a hard decision by Romney, but if Mitt could be persuaded that McCain will be Reagan-like as president, and not try to out-Clinton everybody, then I think that Romney should accept the post.
The result could be a conservative reconciliation. Our forces would be united against the democrats this fall. Romney's ability to raise money would be combined with McCain's friends in the political world. A Mitt VP could be the means to reach out to fiscal conservatives and help us feel better about the future of the party.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
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I don't want Romney watered down by playing second fiddle to a socialist McCain. Even if he could find some satisfaction in that role himself, which I doubt he could. Anything with McCain going into the generals is a losing ticket. There has to be another way.
As much as I dislike McCain, I don't view him as a socialist. Hillary and Obama are socialists. I think if McCain did team up with Romney and promised a conservative agenda, he might be able to win. I doubt it will happen, though.
I don't understand why McCain is this military expert and Romney isn't so strong on defense. Romney is a far better diplomat. McCain is a terrible leader. He's made enemies everywhere he goes. I can just imagine him blowing his stack in front of world leaders and setting our country back for years. Another thing... McCain is soft on terrorists, wanting to shut down Guantanamo and give terrorists constitutional rights. His strength in the defense arena is the same old sentimental appeal to his war record.
Thanks for the excellent comments. I agree that Romney is a great leader and could hold his own in matter of National security. My post more refers to the perception that McCain has that strength. All my post is arguing is that we had better come to some kind of reconciliation as conservatives or we're going take a sharp left turn! The Romney/McCain ticket is the best I could come up with to accomplish this effort.
I strongly disagree with the notion that Romney should be the VP to McCain. I have heard him say, "I will be no VP to McCain."
Come on....Romney is heads above McCain (how backwards to have Romney play second fiddle to that old senile, angry man) and what is McCain going to do when Obama or Hillary devastates him in the debates. I reject the idea the McCain was or is the only one that can beat them. If he's so good why did he decline to debate Romney.
Romney doesn't need to be tied up in McCain's failed administration and without being Pres. he won't be able to influence enough to get America on the right track. Carl Rove said himself we don't elect Presidents based on the VP they chose. McCain's going to lose.
The consensus is Washington is broken so who are we choosing? The consensus is it needs fixed. So who are we choosing to fix it? Maybe all the SLC committee needed to fix the corrupt-bankrupt games was McCain. Aren't we stating the same by nominating him. He has the skills right??????
Anonymous: I'm glad you posted that quote that Romney wouldn't be McCain's VP. I had a feeling he was too principled to accept such a position. If he were running on the ticket, he'd have to defend McCain's record, i.e., he'd have to lie. Also, I think McCain hates Romney so much and is so jealous of him I don't think he could stand to have a VP who looks better than he does. I disagree with Carl Rove that a VP makes no difference. It would in this case. The conservatives have no one to vote for. I think if you had a very solid strong conservative VP on the ticket it would make a lot of difference... I know it might persuade me. As much as we all dislike McCain, I think we have to keep our perspective. Hillary or Obama (especially Obama) would be far worse to our country than McCain, especially if McCain actually had a conservative platform. He's flip flopped before. Perhaps if he ran on a conservative platform he would actually keep some of his promises. The crazy thing is... to unite the party he's going to have to basically run on Romney's platform. Unfortunate that we have to hold our noses and take a Romney wannabe rather than the real thing.
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